Mikaela Seitz

Mikaela Seitz

Marketing Coordinator

Mikaela Joined The Lighting Practice in 2024, bringing with her AEC marketing experience from a Structural Engineering Firm. She assists the Marketing Manager and Proposal Coordinator in maintaining marketing materials for the firm. In addition, she produces content for social media, and creates graphics and written materials to support the firm’s marketing efforts. Mikaela enjoys seeing creative ideas come to life. Outside of work, she enjoys making tufted rugs, hiking, and reading.

What motivates and inspires you?

I am motivated by learning new things and coming up with creative ideas to improve something.

If you could be a superhero, what would you want your superpowers to be?

If I could have any superpower, I would want to be able to fly! It would be an efficient way to travel, and you would get an entirely new view of things.

What/where is your ideal vacation?

My ideal vacation is going to Italy! I got to stay in Tuscany, Italy last year and it was so beautiful. I am going back to Italy this summer and staying in a little town called Turin, Italy in the Swiss Alps.


Bachelor of Science in Business Management; Digital Marketing- West Chester University